The 2017 Worked All Provinces of China (WAPC) DX Contest
Amateurs around the world can work any other amateurs during the 24 hour contest period, while contacting as many as possible with amateurs in Chinese provinces, municipal cities, autonomous regions, and special administration regions is encouraged.
2. Contest Date
The third Saturday of April, from 06:00UTC Saturday to 05:59UTC Sunday, a total of 24 hours.
The Sixth WAPC will begin at 06:00UTC, 15 April and end at 05:59UTC, 16 April, 2017.
3. Bands and Modes
Bands: 5 amateur bands, 80-40-20-15-10 meter bands; WARC bands excluded.
Modes: 3 modes, CW, SSB, and the MIXED of CW and SSB modes.
4. General Rules
4.1 All transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500-meter diameter circle, or within the property limits of the station licensee’s address. All antennae must be physically connected by wires (i.e. feeder line) to the transmitters and receivers.
4.2 Entrants of all categories are allowed to use packet, WEB clusters, skimmer and RBN.
4.3 Remote control of transmitting and receiving device is allowed, under the condition that all of the remotely controlled transmitters and receivers must be within only one location as required by 4.1, and no local transmitters and receivers are used.
4.4 Self-spotting is not allowed. Soliciting contacts by telephone, telex, internet, packet mail and other means during and before the contest is prohibited.
4.5 All mixed mode entrants can contact a same station only once in both of the CW and SSB mode. The following frequencies are recommended for contest QSOs, cross mode QSO is not allowed.
Band CW(Mhz) SSB(Mhz)
80 3.500-3.580 3.600-3.875
40 7.000-7.035 7.043-7.200
20 14.000-14.070 14.112-14.350
15 21.000-21.070 21.151-21.450
10 28.000-28.070 28.300-29.000
5. Categories
High power: peak power is less than 1000w, or not exceeding your license limit.
M-MIX Multi-operator all band mixed mode(BY first prize)
SOAB-FD Single operator all band field mixed mode(BY first prize)
SOAB-MIX Single operator all band mixed(BY first, second, and third prize, each DX country first prize)
SOAB-CW Single operator all band CW(BY first, second, and third prize, each DX country first prize)
SOAB-SSB Single operator all band SSB(BY first, second, and third prize, each DX country first prize)
SOSB-MIXD Single operator single band mixed(BY first prize, each DX country first prize)
SOSB-CW Single operator single band CW(BY first prize, each DX country first prize)
SOSB-SSB Single operator single band SSB(BY first prize, each DX country first prize)
Low power: peak power is less or equal to 100w
M-MIX-L Multi-operator all band mixed mode(BY first prize)
SOAB-FD-L Single operator all band low power field mixed(BY first prize)
SOAB-MIX-L Single operator all band low power mixed(BY first, second, and third prize, each DX country first prize)
SOAB-CW-L Single operator all band low power CW (BY first, second, and third prize, each DX country first prize)
SOAB-SSB-L Single operator all band low power SSB (BY first, second, and third prize, each DX country first prize)
SOSB-MIX-L Single operator single band low power mixed (BY first prize, each DX country first prize)
SOSB-CW-L Single operator single band low power CW (BY first prize, each DX country first prize)
SOSB-SSB-L Single operator single band low power SSB (BY first prize, each DX country first prize)
QRP: for SSB peak power is less than or equal to 10w, CW less than or equal to 5w
SOAB-FD-Q Single operator all band field QRP mixed(BY first prize)
SOAB-MIX-Q Single operator all band QRP mixed(BY first prize, each DX country first prize)
SOAB-CW-Q Single operator all band QRP CW (BY first prize, each DX country first prize)
SOAB-SSB-Q Single operator all band QRP SSB (BY first prize, each DX country first prize)
SOSB-MIX-Q Single operator single band QRP mixed (BY first prize, each DX country first prize)
SOSB-CW-Q Single operator single band QRP CW (BY first prize, each DX country first prize)
SOSB-SSB-Q Single operator single band QRP SSB (BY first prize, each DX country first prize)
*Chinese entrants compliant with 13.2 are eligible for special Dxpedition award.
*Chinese territories are listed in appendix 1.
*Hongkong, Macao, Taiwan, Huangyan island and Dongsha island have their own DXCC prefixes, they count as multiplies but not eligible for a DX prize.
5.1 Single operator category
5.1.1 One and only one transmitting signal is allowed at any moment during the contest period.
5.1.2 All contest functions such as operating, logging and spotting must be accomplished only by contest operator himself/herself, no other operator is allowed to do assisting transmitting or receiving.
5.1.3 For single operator field day style mixed mode, all antennae must be constructed on site temporarily and no mains power is used. When submit your contest logs, please include photos of your field QTH, antenna and rigs to help the contest committee to judge whether or not the contest is made in a typical field style contest environment.
5.2 Multi-operator category
A) Encourage all Chinese contest clubs to organize and participate in the contest, thus to promote DX contest among local amateurs.
B) For multi-operator entrants, low and high power categories are provided, but you must stay within your legal limits when enter as high power category, there is no limit for the number of transceivers, but only one transmitting signal is allowed in a given mode during the contest.
6. Exchange
For contest CQ we recommend CQ WAPC.
6.1Non-Chinese station: signal report with a serial number, start from 001. e.g. 59(9) 001.
6.2 Chinese station: signal report with a two character shorthand for the Chinese provinces, municipal cities, autonomous regions, and special administration regions, e.g. 59(9) BJ.
See appendix 1 for list of the Chinese provinces, municipal cities, autonomous regions, and special administration regions.
7. Calculating QSO Points
7.1 For Chinese stations:
QSO with another Chinese province, municipal city, autonomous region, and special
administration region: 10 points;
QSO with other Asian DXCC entity: 3 points;
QSO with other continent: 5 points.
7.2 For Non-Chinese stations:
QSO with Chinese station: 10 points;
QSO with same DXCC entity: 1 points;
QSO with different DXCC on your own continent: 3 points;
QSO with other continent: 5 points.
7.3 Marine and airborne mobile stations are not counted as multipliers, but worth 5 point for any participant.
8. Dupe
8.1 Dupes are contacts made with the same station on the same band and the same mode. If the first contact between the two stations is valid, dupes have 0 points value. If the first contact is not valid, second (dupe) contact is accepted.
8.2 Dupe contacts are not penalized. It is not necessary to mark them in the log. Moreover, entrants are recommended to leave DUPES in the log file. PLEASE DO NOT DELETE DUPES!
9. Multipliers
Two types of multipliers are available, provincial and DXCC entity:
Provincial: Each different Chinese province, municipal cities, autonomous regions and special administration regions contacted on each band, is counted as one multiplier, despite of the modes worked. That is, only 34 Chinese provincial multipliers are available on each band.
DXCC entity: Each different DXCC entity contacted on each bands, is counted as one multiplier, despite of the modes worked. DXCC list is published on ARRL website.
10. Total Scores
The total scores is the result of total QSO points multiplied by the sum of the provincial and DXCC entity multipliers.
11. General Requirements of Log Submission
Electronic contest logs are recommended. The Contest Committee requires any potential high score entrants to provide electronic contest log.
11.1Submit Cabrillo format contest log to the committee after the contest.
The N1MM contest logger is recommended, the self defined contest module is available at:
Also you can use the SD contest logger, which fully support WAPC. Download SD at:, or
FYI the Wintest contest logger can also be used for WAPC, you can choose YO-DX as a substitution but only the scores may not be correct, the final scores will be calculated by the official software after receiving contest logs.
11.2 All times in the log must be UTC.
11.3 Contest log must include the contest exchanges, i.e. signal report with the two character shorthand of provinces, municipal cities, autonomous regions or special administration regions, or a serial number.
11.4The file name of the contest log should be “your_contest_call_sign”.log.
11.5 Paper log will be accepted only as check logs.
11.6 If the submitted log cannot be correctly converted to the text format, it will be treated as invalid.
11.7 The subject line of the submitted contest log must contain the intended category and full mail address including country name, this will be the address used for awards and/or certifications.
11.8 Calculation of the total scores is not necessary in the log, it will be officially calculated by the Contest Committee designated software.
12. Deadline of Log Submission
12.1 All logs must be submitted within 7 days after the contest (before UTC 06:00 23 April, 2017). In case of delayed submission of a contest log, a proper reason must be presented to the Contest Committee.
Logs dated after the deadline and without a proper reason are ineligible for an award.
12.2 Logs must be submitted via email: Make sure the contest call and correct category is included in the subject line.
12.3 For inquiry about paper log submission address, write an email to above email address.
13. Awards
13.1 For Chinese entrants: Certificates will be issued to each categories listed in section 5.
13.2 Special Dxpedition Award
A) Encouraging groups to travel to the rare provinces to set up their contest station and participate in the contest. Rare provinces are defined as there was less than one station showed up in last years’ WAPC.
B) Single operator who travel to rare province must not be a registered amateur of the province, members of a Dxpediton group must consist of at least 30% of non-registered amateur of the province.
C) Special Dxpedition award will not affect your normal category award.
D) Special Dxpedition award must be acclaimed when your submit your contest log.
13.3 For non-Chinese entrants: A first place certificate will be issued for each category in each country, except the multi-operator, field categories.
13.4 First place of a single category of the world and first place from each continent will be awarded with a plaque from the Mulan DX club.
13.5 Amateurs who worked all the 34 Chinese provinces, municipal cities, autonomous regions and special administration regions within one contest period, will receive a special WAPC contest award. Amateurs who worked all the 34 Chinese provinces, municipal cities, autonomous regions and special administration regions outside of a contest, is eligible for a WAPC contact award by showing copies of QSL cards received and a certain amount of fee will be charged as a sponsorship for the contest.
13.6 Individual or organizational sponsors are eligible for designating specific award categories, they names or call signs will be printed on the corresponding certificates or plaques.
14. Penalties
Following penalties are counted as triple good QSO points:
incorrectly logged calls(bad call);
incorrectly logged exchange numbers;
QSO not in other station’s log(NIL).
QSO is neither counted nor penalized for the following:
other station incorrectly logged entrant’s call;
other station incorrectly logged entrant’s exchange number;
QSO time in entrant’s log and other station’s log difference is more than 3 minutes;
QSO bands or modes in entrant’s log and other station’s log differ;
dupe QSO which is not in the other station’s log.
15. Punishment
If an entrant exercising unsportsmanlike conducts (e.g. Self spotting or equivalent; using high power but claim low power category)during the contest to improve contest scores, or if there is enough proof indicating behaviors against amateur radio regulations of his or her own countries, the contest committee will take actions like issuing a warning, subtract scores or disqualifying.
16. This rule is made by Mulan DX Club. The Mulan DX Club Contest Committee’s decision is final. Awards and punishment list will be announced at January 1 of the next year on the official club website: Certificates and souvenirs will be delivered before the end of February of the next year.
Appendix 1
List of Chinese provinces, municipal cities, autonomous regions, and special administration regions (source: China National Standards series GB/T 2260-2007).
AH Anhui Sheng*1
BJ Beijing Shi*2
CQ Chongqing Shi
FJ Fujian Sheng
GD Guangdong Sheng
GS Gansu Sheng
GX Guangxi Zhuangzu Zizhiqu*3
GZ Guizhou Sheng
HA Henan Sheng
HB Hubei Sheng
HE Hebei Sheng
HI Hainan Sheng
HK Hongkong Tebiexingzhengqu*4
HL Heilongjiang Sheng
HN Hunan Sheng
JL Jilin Sheng
JS Jiangsu Sheng
JX Jiangxi Sheng
LN Liaoning Sheng
MO Macau Tebiexingzhengqu
NM Nei Mongol Zizhiqu
NX Ningxia Huizu Zizhiqu
QH Qinghai Sheng
SC Sichuan Sheng
SD Shandong Sheng
SH Shanghai Shi
SN Shanxi Sheng
SX Shanxi Sheng
TJ Tianjin Shi
TW Taiwan Sheng
XJ Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu
XZ Xizang Zizhiqu(Tibet)
YN Yunnan Sheng
ZJ Zhejiang Sheng
1:Province; 2:Municipal city; 3:Autonomous region; 4:special administration region.
BS7 is in HI, BQ9 is in TW.